编辑:admin 日期:2019-02-10 16:56:21 / 人气:38
1. Non-alcoholic drinks with bubbles, like cola, are described as ______.
a) flat
b) fizzy
c) bubbly
d) frothy
2. A cocktail that does not contain any alcohol is a ______.
a) faketail
b) softtail
c) mocktail
d) falsetail
3. Another word for a non-alcoholic drink is a ______ drink.
a) weak
b) strong
c) soft
d) hard
4. Bottled water can come in two varieties, sparkling (with gas) or ______ (without gas).
a) still
b) flat
c) effervescent
d) sweet
5. I like a glass of ______ orange juice with my breakfast.
a) fresh-squeeze
b) freshly-squeeze
c) freshly-squeezed
d) fresh-squeezed
6. Which of these is not a word or expression that means ‘tea’?
a) a cuppa
b) char
c) Rosie Lea
d) Joe
1) b, 2) c, 3) c, 4) a, 5) c, 6) d.
上一篇:药物不喜欢和饮料混搭下一篇: 请看2000亿个饮料瓶被回收再利用是怎么做到的?
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